2024-25 Limmud Registration

We are delighted that you are registering for our innovative Jewish Education program, Limmud at Adat Shalom. If you have any questions about the Limmud program, please reach out to Rozzie Eppsteiner at rozzie.eppsteiner@adatshalom.net.
Student Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Home Information

Directions for Payment:

Checks may be mailed to Adat Shalom.

Online Payments will have an added 3% fee. Please look at the pay schedule below, and enter the amount you want to pay in the payment field below.
Gan-Bet (K-2): 
-Members $820
-Non-Members $1100
Gimmel-Vav (3-6):
-Members $1900
-Non-Members $2350
Zayin-Chet & Tzedek (7-High School):
-Members $820
-Non-Members $1100

  • By submitting this registration you are consenting to the following:

  • Our/my child has our/my permission to participate in web-based virtual and in-person (as appropriate) programs with the Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation. I understand that these programs will be under the supervision of the Executive Director or designee(s). Adat Shalom’s web-based learning will involve your child using third-party apps that could include Zoom, Skype, Facetime or google meet/hangout. 

  • We/I agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation (ASRC), as well as their agents, representatives and employees from all claims, damages, or other liabilities for injury to my child that might arise from my child’s use of third-party apps in order to participate in Adat Shalom Reconstructionist web-based programs.

  • We/I give my child permission to access Zoom for their Jewish Education Programming with Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation.

  • We/I understand that my child may be participating in class webinars that could include them being seen and heard on a webcam over the Internet via zoom or google meet/hangout.

  • We/I grant permission for my child to be allowed to participate in any webinar with a webcam. 

  • We/I understand that photographs and recordings of our/my child may be taken and shared for promotional purposes by Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation (ASRC.)

  • If we/I choose to opt out of this photograph release, we/I must submit a separate notice via email to the Executive Director, Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation.

  • By registering for Limmud I/We acknowledge that our child is up to date on all eligible vaccinations and boosters, including the COVID-19 vaccine and booster, unless there is a medical exemption.



We are delighted that you are registering for our innovative Jewish Education program, Limmud at Adat Shalom. If you have any questions about the Limmud program, please reach out to Rozzie Eppsteiner at rozzie.eppsteiner@adatshalom.net.