5785 Adat Shalom High Holiday Ticket Reservations

High Holiday Services | Please refer to the website or HaShavua for times of services and more information.

Potential New Members - If you purchase tickets and decided to become a member, we will credit your ticket cost toward membership for 5785. New Members must join by November 30, 2024.
This form is for In Person Services - If you would like to join us Virtually, Click Here!

We have two services for you to choose from on each day. Supported by Rabbi Hazzan Rachel Hersh and Jeff Weintraub, Rabbi Scott will split his time between both services.

Ohel (Tent) Service
Simple, accessible, musical, spiritual. Great for anyone that wants to move around, those less connected to the prayerbook.
All prayers projected on screens.

Bayit (House) Service
The best of Adat Shalom - musical, flexible, self-reflective, grounded in tradition with much much more.
If you love Adat Shalom, you’ll love this.

Please Read:

Members are entitled to a ticket for each family member who is included in their membership (ie. if you have 4 people in your family, you can reserve 4 tickerts to each service) 

Additional tickets will need to be purchased:
$72 per service for Adults 
FREE - Anyone 25 & under

ALL Tickets are reserved in the same way, by using this form. 

Please SELECT ALL the tickets you need, to each service.
Guest tickets can be paid for at the bottom of this form.

We never want price to be a barrier. Please reserve tickets, and contact us if you need cost assistance at tix@adatshalom.net

Reserve Tickets

Erev Rosh Hashanah

Erev Rosh Hashanah
October 2, 2024
Please select one option.
Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 - Ohel (Tent) Service
October 3, 2024
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 - Bayit (House) Service
October 3, 2024
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 
Friday, October 4, 2024
Please select one option.
Kol Nidre

Kol Nidre
Friday, October 11, 2024
Kol Nidre Ohel (Tent) Service - October 11, 2024
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Kol Nidre Bayit (House) Service - October 11, 2024
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur - Ohel (Tent) Service
October 12, 2024
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Yom Kippur - Bayit (House) Service
October 12, 2024
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Yom Kippur Afternoon

Please select one option.
Tots & Young Families K-2

Young Family and Tot Holidays!

Join Miss Ellie in the 3x Classroom for a Special Celebration

9:30a - Young family service, Kids k-2
10:30 - Tots! Kids under 5
11:30 - Rosh Hashanah Birthday Party for the World! (Tots and Young Families, RH Only)

When reserving tickets, please only indicate kids in attendance.

Parents/caregivers are required to stay.

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.

Please select one option.
Parking is full at Adat Shalom and Carderock Elementary - we are working on a shuttle service for the Carderock Pool.

If you MUST park onsite at Adat Shalom, please email tix@adatshalom.net
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Purchase Guest Tickets

Payment Instructions

Please total your paid tickets at the rate below:

Adults: $72 per service
Adults: All Three Services (RH-KN-YK): $180
25 & Under: Free

No Charge for guests at:
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah Day 2

To pay by Check:
Please enter your totaled amount in the Check Payment Total box below then Click Submit at the bottom of the form.
(DO NOT enter the number in the Credit Card box)

To pay by Credit Card:
Please enter your totaled amount in the Credit Card Payment Total box below, this will trigger credit card information. Enter yours and then Click Submit at the bottom of the form.

Having trouble totaling? See examples below.

Please consider giving an additional gift to Adat Shalom to support the High Holiday Services. Every contribution is appreciated and allows us to continue offering excellent services, programming, support and more.
If you have any questions, concerns or need special assistance, please email tix@adatshalom.net
Ticket Cost Examples

Scenario 1: 2 Members, 2 guests, RH and YK Services

Select 4 tickets to RH Services
Select 4 tickets to YK Services

2 (Member) Tickets x 2 services @ $0
2 (Guest) Tickets @ $72 x 2(People) x2(Services, RH & YK)      72x4=$288
Scenario 2: 2 Members, going to all 3 services, 2 Guests, going to all three services, and 2 additional guests only coming to Kol Nidre Services

Select 4 tickets to RH
Select 6 tickets to KN
Select 4 tickets to YK

2 (Member) tickets to all three services: $0
2 (Guest) Tickets to all three services, $180/person:
2 (Guest) tickets to KN @ $72 each: 
72x2= $180

$180+$360=$540 total


High Holiday Services
Please refer to the website or HaShavua for times of services and more information.

Potential New Members - If you purchase tickets and decided to become a member, we will credit your ticket cost toward membership for 5785. New Members must join by November 30, 2024.